Coalfield’s 33-6-3 Model Featured in World Bank Group Publication
Coalfield Development’s 33-6-3 Model was recently highlighted in World Bank Group publication…
Coalfield Development’s 33-6-3 Model was recently highlighted in World Bank Group publication…
Investing in the economic revitalization of the communities that have been…
Coalfield Development is featured prominently in the upcoming book, From the Ground Up, by Howard Schultz…
Coalfield Development was selected among 10 grantees to receive a $1M grant in the Communities Thrive Challenge…
The report, Many Voices, Many Solutions: Innovative Mine Reclamation in Central Appalachia, was authored by the Reclaiming Appalachia Coalition…
On October 11, 2018, the Communities Thrive Challenge and Upworthy, a media platform, partnered to host a live #UpChat on Twitter with the 20 Communities Thrive Challenge finalists…
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Inspiring the courage to grow, activating the creativity to innovate, and cultivating communities of opportunity in central Appalachia.