Activating Creativity – Crew Member Council April 2019

HUNTINGTON – Coalfield Development team members gathered for Crew Member Council at the Cabell County Public Library in Huntington, WV on Friday April, 26. Crew members and staff kicked off the meeting bouncing around many ideas and sharing recent experiences, both personal and academic. The purpose of every Crew Member Council is to catch up on recent developments, announcements, progress of various social enterprises and this particular meeting included the reveal of the all-new Coalfield Development logo and website!

“Sometimes we see patterns, when we might be struggling with something, or at a certain time of the year. It’s helpful to identify those patterns or triggers, so that we can journey through. Life is always a journey; life is always growing.”

– Kelli Crabtree

Bringing the focus in on personal growth and academic development, described by one team member as a “3-dimensional experience,” creates a unique environment for crew members as well as staff to grow and learn. This not only includes improvements in work ethic and skills, but also offers the opportunity to reflect on regressions and how to improve by setting tangible goals.

“The work that we do reaches other people in the region just through social media or newspaper articles. That’s a clear indicator of what’s happening and who’s involved.”

– Ryan Stoner

Capturing the essence of the brand and focused on creating a more versatile space to showcase each of the social enterprises of Coalfield Development, Ryan and Brandon went on to discuss new capabilities and the importance of what makes Coalfield Development a vital resource for improving the economy in Appalachia.

“Coalfield to me, is about realizing where we come from- honoring that, but still trying to adapt and transition into the future.”

– Brad Stapleton, Crew Chief for SustainU® Clothing

“What we’re really about is: Learning and growing as a human being- finding your full potential as a person. You can’t really put a number on that, but that’s really what it’s all about.”

– Brandon Dennison

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