The reuse corridor is a coalition of businesses, individual stakeholders and communities throughout central Appalachia who are building a market around reuse, upcycling and recycling.

Since 2020...

Tons of landfill destined
resources diverted and upcycled.
Number of volunteers mobilized
for collection events, logistics,
and processing.
Stakeholder Partnerships
0 +

An emerging federation of organizations and other stakeholders invested in reintegrating the traditional values of resource conservation and material reuse within their business models to create jobs, strengthen economies, and build resilient communities. These organizations and individuals include material generators, collectors, and aggregators, up cyclers, makers and craftsmen, and manufacturers aligned to share, capture, and transform resources. Spanning Kentucky, West Virginia, and Ohio, the corridor is an untapped material logistics system poised to connect communities generating supply of recycled feedstocks with primary processors and manufacturers with demand for electronics, cardboard, plastics, organics, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, hard-to-recycle items, construction materials, batteries, and medical equipment.


The Appalachian ReUse Corridor initiative and this Strategic Plan is an exciting first step in redefining how regional stakeholders think about materials management and its role in job creation and resource conservation. This initiative is a multi-stakeholder effort to evaluate and improve materials management strategies and practices within West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and with broader collaborations in Virginia. Plan funding was allocated through an Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Power Grant awarded to the Wayne County Economic Development Authority (WCEDA). ARC is a federal and state government partnership created to spur innovation and investments that build community capacity and foster economic growth in 420 counties within the 13 Appalachian states. The ReUse Corridor material generators, collectors, processors, and manufacturers are connected by a road network including U.S. Highway 52, or “King Coal Highway”, State Route 2, and Interstate 64 that can support material logistics for West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky and beyond.

Appalachian ReUse Corridor Map

Strategic Plan Goals

1. Improve the understanding of the material management system in the ReUse Corridor that spans West Virginia (WV), Ohio (OH), and Kentucky (KY).

2. Provide a resource to shape and inform discussions among regional stakeholders about how materials management and circular economy models create opportunities to enhance Appalachia’s economic development.

Strategic Plan Objectives

1. Introduce SMM/CE in the context of the Appalachian ReUse Corridor.

2. Assess “market” conditions– the regional and ReUse Corridor waste and recycling performance.

3. Identify, survey, and engage ReUse Corridor Partners interested in advancing materials/ circular economy principles, best practices, and strategies.

4. Identify gaps, opportunities, and action items relating to improving materials management.


Advancing SSM/CE strategies and programs demands significant changes and investment in the economic system. It requires invested people and leadership, planning, analysis, infrastructure, technology, procurement, resource allocation, education, policy development, innovation and more – this is economic development – aligned seamlessly with the Appalachian Regional Commission’s Strategic Investment Goals.

ARC's Strategic
Investment Goals

Invest in entrepreneurial and business development
strategies that strengthen Appalachia’s economy.

Increase the education, knowledge, skills and health of residents to work and succeed in Appalachia.

Invest in critical infrastructure—especially broadband; transportation, including the Appalachian Development Highway System; and water/wastewater systems.

Strengthen Appalachia’s community and economic development potential by leveraging the Region’s natural and cultural heritage assets.

Build the capacity and skills of current and next-generation leaders and organizations to innovate, collaborate and advance community and economic development.

Opportunity to Rethink Material Life Cycles

Through the convergence of unprecedented material market conditions, a strong ReUse Corridor manufacturing sector, and a shared regional interest to revitalize economic development in greater Appalachia emerges an opportunity to rethink material life cycles – at a regional scale, deployed systematically – engage generators, collectors, transporters, intermediate processors, product manufactures and other Appalachia stakeholders. Collaborate. “Steer”. Manage – Regional materials with the intention to integrate and leverage environmentally responsible waste disposal, waste reduction/recycling, and manufacturing to produce economic development.

How to Host a Collection Event


The following parties and organizations are acknowledged for their contributions and input that was essential to the development of this Appalachian ReUse Corridor Strategic Plan (2022 – 2026). Special acknowledgment is given to the Appalachian Region Commission (ARC) for the provision of project funding through the Bio Based Manufacturing Grant in the amount of $50,000, with grant matching funds provided by the USDA Specialty Crop Grant Program in the amount of $12,000 and by the Clif Bar Family Foundation in the amount of $8,000.

Baleigh (Bay) Epperly


Associate Director of Creative Reuse

ReUse Corridor Project Development Team

  • Baleigh Epperly, ReUse Corridor Manager

ReUse Corridor Partners

The following organizations participated in different ways to contribute to the development of this ReUse Corridor Strategic Plan. Contributions included participation in conference meetings, responding to surveys, provision of data and value-add input that benefitted this planning process.

WCEDA contracted with MSW Consultants, an expert solid waste, recycling, and materials management firm, to guide the WCEDA and ReUse Corridor Partners in developing this Appalachian ReUse Corridor Strategic Plan (2022 – 2026).

Steve Deasy, Project Manager
Greg Lenaz, Data Analyst
Karen Deeter, Technical Researcher

  • Cabell County Solid Waste Authority
  • Coalfield-Development Deconstruction Crew
  • Constellium Rolled Products Ravenswood, LLC
  • Highrocks
  • Lawrence Co Solid Waste Authority
  • Marshall University Sustainability Department
  • Miltin Mattress Recycling
  • Mingo County Recycling
  • Mingo County Solid Waste Authority
  • Upcycle Ohio Thrift
  • Wayne County Economic Development Authority
  • Wayne County Solid Waste Authority



Read Our Full In-Depth Strategic Plan