Appalachian Social Enterprise Summit Pitch Competition
Overview and Details
GOAL: To provide entrepreneurs in Appalachia the opportunity to compete for funding for their social enterprise business.
ELIGIBILITY: Early-stage social entrepreneurs and social enterprise innovators seeking capital are encouraged to apply. The Business Pitch Contest is open to all small social enterprise businesses. The Idea Pitch is for College/University Students Only.
Step One – Idea Pitch and Business Pitch Competition
Individuals and teams will be asked to submit a short questionnaire to officially enter into the Business and Idea Pitch Competition.
Rules of Eligibility:
Individuals or groups participating in the ASES Competition must consider themselves a social enterprise.
All business ideas must be initially based in Appalachia to be considered eligible for consideration in the competition.
Submission Deadline: September 16th, 2022 by noon
Step Two – Business Pitch Competition Only
Individuals and businesses that comply with the requirements of the competition will be asked to submit a one-page overview of their c business. Revenue generating businesses must submit sales history and current ownership structure with this one page submission.
2. Scoring
Each submission will be reviewed by a panel of judges composed of various business professionals. Summaries will be scored on a standard rubric on a scale of 1-100.
Submission Deadline: September 19th, 2022 by noon
September 22, 2022
Business Pitch Competition Only
Individuals/Teams will be scheduled for 15 minute blocks of time for an introduction and interview session with Summit Organizers to include:
Maximum 5-minute pitch
Maximum 10-minute interview
These sessions will be scored by the Summit Organizers to determine the final 5 Ideation and 5 Businesses that will be presenting at the Summit on Oct. 4th.
Scoring Breakdown:
Feasibility of Business or Idea 33%
Intro-Pitch 33%
Interview 33%
Finalists will be notified by September 27, 2022
Oct 4, 2022
ASES Summit
The contestants and finalists for the Business and Idea Pitch Competition will have a table and area in the Summit Ballroom to showcase their business materials.
2. Business Competition and Idea Pitch Competition
The winning business will receive up to $10,000 as the winning prize of the competition.
Important dates
September 16th: Online Submissions Due
September 19th: One page Summaries Due
September 22nd: Semi-Finalists Interview Sessions
September 27th: Finalist Announced
October 4th: Final Competition
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Proudly supported by these incredible organizations, partners, and more…
Inspiring the courage to grow, activating the creativity to innovate, and cultivating communities of opportunity in central Appalachia.